Friday, April 30, 2010


Just a reminder - I like to drunk twitter...follow me at followmissyjoy

Adios A-hole!

Yea yea yea....It's been a LONG time..I KNOW.  Lucky for you my pain is your entertainment.

The online dating world has been choppy waters these days.  I still think that all girls will automatically put men into one of three categories upon meeting them.

1) They seem nice - They don't.  They are just hot.  Most likely a little stupid.  But this is the rationalization that we use to talk ourselves into either dating them again or justifying our own sluttiness.  There are clues to their NOT NICE everywhere but we chose to ignore them.  These guys are most likely married or living with someone.

2)  Nice Guy - Looks FANTASTIC on paper.  Good job.  So Cute.  Nice friends.  Problem - there's just no chemistry.  This SUCKS because you so want there to be.  Solution - many many drinks.

3) He's too nice -  This guy is RARE.  He's the gem and very hard to find.  Ladies - let's not brush these guys off because once you've dated enough douche bags there is just no such thing as "too nice".  He's usually really amazing and puts up with a lot of your crazy bull shit.  You just can't write him off because he is "too nice".

In the last few months my previous dates have consisted of a no show and someone who texted me gross things and wanted to take me to Chipotle for a romantic dinner.  I'm so over it.