Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dating Profile Translations

Profile:29-year old, disease-free, successful male with a few metrosexual tendencies I suppose. For example, no homo but I did enjoy seeing Justin Timberlake in concert (Don’t judge okay!). I thought the music was catchy and well choreographed.
Translation: It burns when I pee.  Could be that from that one time in college with my fraternity brother after the lambda sigma lamda ep party.  I hope there aren’t pictures.
ProfileMostly, I’m looking for someone with a warm heart who can enjoy my imperfections just like I enjoy hers. By the way, motherly qualities are the sexiest qualities a woman can have…
Translation: I’m pretty f-ed up and I like crazy girls who pick up my socks off the floor and who’s good at folding laundry.  PS- I live with my mom.

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