Have you ever noticed that no matter what age you are, there is always some douche bag who tells you that the next years decade of your life is going to be your best? I was told that my 30s are going to be the best years of my life because you spend your 20's trying to figure out who you are and you spend your 30's actually being that person.
SO, I spent my entire 20's figuring out that THIS is me? THIS is the "best years" of my life? I don't think SO. I think the best years of your entire life are the (if you go away to school) your 4 years in college. Maybe not all 4, maybe just the first three.
The following is a list of why life is never going to be as fun as it was in college:
1) Your job is pointless - you are probably a waitress or bartender and when you need some extra drinking money you hang around and wait for someone to come in hung over and take their shift.
2) You never really have to go to work because everyone knows someone more poor then are waiting at the front door with a smile and 10 reasons why they should take your shift.
3) You and your friends are bonded by a common goal - frat guys, Charlotte Ruse, free drinks, obtaining a fake ID and NOT getting arrested.
4) There's always some drunk idiot around to make fun of - as long as that person isn't you - you win.
5) When you buy something from Bed Bath and Beyond - it's for your apartment. Not because it's on a registry.
6) You feel guilty if you are staying in one night because you SHOULD go out every night of the week.
7) You look for ANY free drink deal, even if it means holding your pee until you feel if you could power wash the dance floor if you let it out - because you don't want to be the first person to use the bathroom and shut down the open bar for everyone.
8) EVERYONE is single - EVERYONE.
9) You are poor because you gave up your shift at the local Bennigan's but you are OK because you know at least on person who works in every directory category in the mall and can hook it up with a discount.
10) Thinking that when these 4 years are over you are going to be set out into the world and can finally figure out what you are going to be when you grow up. (For the record, I was wrong on the whole being a construction worker thing - I fear that my strong need for a bi-weekly manicure would get in the way of my fast paced career path).
If I could turn back time,,,,
1 comment:
Hurray ! You are back. Welcome. And hear hear. More postings please !
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