So the other night I was sitting at home doing my favorite past time. Catching up on A&E's intervention. (Don't judge).
Just when I think that I've seen it all..a new wacko comes on and somehow manages to make me feel better about my life. This week it's little Miss Nicole. Nicole has an eating disorder but I think it's more of a phobia. She is afraid to SWALLOW and get's all her food though a feeding tube that she has had for 14 years!!!!! She even spits out her own saliva rather than swallow it. The reason for her fear is down right horrific - she associates swallowing with sexual abuse from her childhood. WHich - not funny at all.
She is about to loose her husband and two kids if she doesn't get her shit together. As think of the show the next day a few things dawn on me....
- This hot mess has a HUSBAND! Granted he is like an inch away from legally being a midget. I don't get it. A girl with a feeding tube and FEAR of giving Kepie (ask your jewish friends to translate) manages to somehow find someone to marry. I mean WTF! Why am I finding this so hard!!! RIDDLE ME THIS A&E - where is my soul midget?